Dear FORWARDS community,

On the occasion of the International Day of Forests, celebrated on March 21, 2024, FORWARDS is proud to unveil a groundbreaking approach to monitoring forests, made possible through cutting-edge satellite and drone imagery. This innovative endeavor, spearheaded by our consortium partners Swiss Federal Institute of Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) and the University of Florence (UNIFI), Italy, aims to redefine our understanding and stewardship of forests.

For the International Day of Forests, FORWARDS has also launched an online campaign with the hashtag #SkyWardForests.

FORWARDS Annual Meeting in Berlin

From March 12th to 14th, 2024, the FORWARDS project convened its Annual Meeting in Berlin, focusing on progress, challenges, and future trajectories. The meeting underscored the collaborative design processes and efforts in disturbance mapping, supersite development, and remote sensing data utilization.

Stay tuned for our Open Calls!
We are thrilled to announce the completion of three calls for grants aimed at advancing climate-smart forestry, forest restoration, and the development of the ForestWard Observatory, a pan-European monitoring tool addressing the impact of climate change on forests. The response to the initial call launched in September 2023 was overwhelming, with 31 high-quality submissions received. The awarded projects, each receiving funding of up to EUR 140,000, will contribute valuable data to The ForestWard Observatory.

As we move forward, stay connected to our website for upcoming open calls and updates.

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Your support and dedication are invaluable as we continue our journey toward the co-development of the ForestWard Observatory for the resilience of European Forests.

Visit the FORWARDS website to know more at

Warm regards,

Angela Marzorati
FORWARDS communication officer,
Fondazione ICONS.

Unveiling forests from a satellite and drone perspective on International Day of Forests
FORWARDS project annual meeting: exploring and co-designing the ForestWard Observatory

FORWARDS project grants: successful close and exciting next steps

Discover the FORWARDS presentation video!
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement n° 101084481.

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