> News & Events > 20th IBFRA Conference

20th IBFRA Conference

Event | 28th August – 1st September, 2023 | Little Finlandia, Karamzininranta 4, 00100 Helsinki

The bi-annual conference will bring together researchers, companies, policymakers, and members from civil society to discuss the future of boreal forests, the second most extensive terrestrial biome on earth.

The vast boreal forest, ranking as the Earth’s second-largest land biome, is undergoing unprecedented environmental shifts. The changing climate is amplifying disturbances like wildfires and insect infestations. Numerous boreal ecosystems are transitioning to novel ecological conditions, impacting individuals who depend on these ecosystems for their way of life, cultural traditions, economic progress, and climate equilibrium. This is why the central focus of the 20th IBFRA conference centers around achieving forest management that is both climate-resilient and sustainable.

Throughout the conference week, attendees can anticipate keynote addresses, concurrent sessions covering specific sub-themes, chances for networking, and educational sessions.

Find more information here.

Find the agenda here.
